Demons are Viruses that Corrupt Human Programs

The hypostatic union of God and man in Jesus Christ is reflected within each of us, on a vastly lower level.  We each have the spiritual capacity to seek God and good.  We can also choose to let ourselves be corrupted by viruses and sink into evil.

As we saw in yesterday’s column, Mark 5, 1-20 tells us that a single human program can be corrupted by as many as 2,000 demons, “viruses”, to Catholic Fundamentalists.  The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded the entire Creation Program to provide us with the free will to follow His directions or to allow our individual files and operating systems to undergo corruption.

Most of us think that our choices have been good, so we believe we’re happy as we are.   The near-universal delusion prevails:  “I’m all right, really.”  That thought, itself,  is a particularly powerful virus.   It has been cheerfully downloaded by most human programs  in every age.    “I’m all right, really.” is a cunning virus that leads us to believe that we don’t need to seek and obey God any more than we do because we’re already precisely as good as we need to be, and who could argue with that?

If we argue with anyone whose intellectual and moral structure is built on the foundation of “I’m all right, really.”, we find hurt feelings, anger, and retaliation.   So, how do we respond to that demon?

When Jesus met the possessed man, He asked the demons for their name.  We may hint to  one possessed by the “I’m all right, really.” virus if that is another name for Pride, and if it goeth before a fall.

Thanks for learning about Demons are Viruses.
