The demons of fear.

One gift provided by the Third Person in The Trinity, whom Catholic Fundamentalists call The Holy Wireless Connector, is Courage. Another is Wisdom.

Demons hate to see Courage combined with Wisdom. Their own comparable offerings are Fear and Irrationality. Those “gifts” are greatly beloved by The Culture of Death and are responsible for much of its current success

One Fear that the demons provide aplenty is the “Fear of Poverty”. The Culture of Death has made great progress by making public officials fear poverty enough to raise their salaries, benefits, and pensions far above those doled out to peons in the private sector.

A rapidly widening gulf separates the ever more prosperous members of the public sector from the increasingly impoverished people in the non-tax supported portion of the population.

The Public Sector now attracts those who value personal gain more than “public service”. As the older, sometimes more idealistic, “public servants” are replaced by outright profiteers, the looting of taxpayers increases, and they and their families are inexorably destroyed even as their government promises to “keep on helping.”

As those in the private-sector slowly disappear, without being able to do anything about it, replaced by automation and off-shore labor, they are kept divided by the iron triangle of nit-picking laws, media control, and promises of rewards to those who toe the party line. The possibility of improving the system with a “return to the old values” is laughably impossible without a Church that constantly reminds us that the Courage and Wisdom that take human form in Vows of Obedience, Chastity, and Poverty elevates the morality of any nation by making the Fearful and Irrational consider that the damage they do to their neighbors affects how their souls will spend eternity.

Their main mistake: they simply do not fear God as much as they fear being poor.
