Destructive Vanity

The less wretched of the lost souls are motivated by the thought that they are, in some vague way, helping when they join a cause that praises them for being in it. They look not so much for truth as for popularity. A deep insecurity drives them to identify with...

The less wretched of the lost souls are motivated by the thought that they are, in some vague way, helping when they join a cause that praises them for being in it. They look not so much for truth as for popularity. A deep insecurity drives them to identify with the loudest voices.

Most of them seek to do good without getting their hands dirty, spending much money, or doing anything more strenuous than occasionally pulling a lever in a voting booth.

That’s all the other side needs them to do.

Constant repetition of a few changing lies keeps them on board with what they’re supposed to believe and convinces them to vote accordingly. New lies convince them that they’re up-to-date. They believe that a quick adoption of a new lie is an indication of high intelligence.

Intellectual ability drops as vanity increases. Vain brains are so crippled by conflicting beliefs that they are incapable of sustained rational analysis.

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that God doesn’t help them because they won’t ask Him to. Vanity keeps them from thinking about basics like truth and love.

They believe their lies are truth and their hatreds are a helpful form of love. Praying for them is about all we can do.
