The difference between spirit and soul.

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit . . .” (Heb 4:12).

Our spirit deals with programmed entities. It runs all the programming operations in our mind and body. The spirit makes sure, for instance, that our pineal gland is doing whatever it’s supposed to be doing. It’s also our spirit that works with programmed entities outside our own mind and body, relating us and our activities to them as effectively as possible.

Our soul, on the other hand, is what relates us to He Who programmed it. Our soul, operating on a different wavelength, can communicate with The Programmer and His programming assistants. It can, thereby, keep our spirit from leading us astray.

There is a tension between the spirit and the soul that’s best exemplified by the saints and their battle with evil spirits. Most human entities are ruled by spirit much of the time. That’s why so many of us make choices to benefit what we think is best for our mind and body.

Saints exist to show that souls may rule minds and bodies, and lead them to live in communion with He Who programmed them. Souls, by their nature, want to rise above concerns with the programmed entities. Souls focus on The Programmer, in whose image they were programmed. It is the nature of each soul to want to spend eternity in His company.

In the body politic, the spirit is seen in the King’s ministers. They provide the animating connections between the King and the operations of the body politic. If the King is ruled by a soul that seeks to obey God, then the ministers, often against their own will, do God’s work. If the King is ruled by his glands, or by the desire to excessively increase his power and wealth, we see conditions that are inimical to the freedom and prosperity of his kingdom.

Each one of us is a tiny kingdom. If our soul makes our spirit obey God, it says “No!” to its disruptive demands. Then, we and our families tend to do well. If unchecked, our spirit will destroy our little kingdoms. That destruction is often disguised in the short term by the fact that the triumphant spirit often temporarily succeeds in gaining its temporal goals among the programmed entities.

The world glorifies the spirit. The soul, if it asks, will be given the strength by He Who programmed it to glorify its Programmer. The Creation Program hasn’t changed. It exists to give each of us the freedom to decide to be ruled by spirit, connected to the programmed entities, or by the soul, which can actually connect with He Who programmed it.

The temporal programs are set up to run so that each one of us, many, many times a day, has the opportunity to put into practice: “You pays your money, and you takes your choice.”
