Dis is bad

The Roman’s God of the underworld was Dis. There, Dis-ruption, Dis-respect, and Dis-organization ruled. That encompassing belief carried through to Dante. He used “Dis” to describe activities and motivations in the Circles of The Inferno where sinners who chose Dis spent eternity. The same “Dis” is here, and hurting us, today.

In every age, Dis has one goal: to spread confusion and destruction. In our time and all others, Dis is supported by those who want to undermine or destroy every existing organization, whether faith, family, business, or government.

Dis always works through the usual discontents; Communists, environmentalists, extremists, members of religions that embrace hatred and murder as a way of life, and other forms of levelers. Dis is bad. Dis is Disrupting. Dis is destruction at the hands of those who cannot create.

In The Computer Age, we have a clearer mental concept of Dis. “Aha!”, we realize. “Dis is the corrupting virus of The Programmer’s Programs!” The nature of Dis is the same. Dis still hates the same things he’s always hated, God, Jesus, The Church He founded, families, friendship, and anything that functions in freedom.

Dis is the corrupting virus. It tries to destroy every precious soul in The Creation Program.
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How do we treat Dis? When Jesus was on earth, He never encouraged His followers to hunt down and kill those who carried Dis’s corrupting viruses. He drove some of the demonic corrupting viruses out of people. But, in most cases, Jesus focused more on encouraging we who would obey to love our neighbors, even those infected with the viruses of Dis.

We may infer from Jesus that some of these bad viruses may be driven away by loving the soul, mind, and body they’ve infected.

A Catholic Fundamentalism theory: Those who follow Dis are corrupted by the destructive demons of hate largely because no one loved them. Our job, then, is the hardest on earth. Dis is bad, but we must love those corrupted by it. Love erases errors and restores human programs.

Catholic Fundamentalism adds to that this fact: Jesus has left us His Body, Blood, and Absolution to help in our own battles against the destructive, destroying “Dis” within and without. We may find sufficient power in The Sacraments He gave us in The Only Church He Founded to be strengthened to love those who strive to hate and destroy us and every good thing on earth.


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