Do demons “play tennis” with souls they lead from God? #4.

. Catholics know how to “juggle” Worldly Marketing Plans. We do not want our soul to turn into a “tennis ball”.


Question 1: “How do Catholics save their souls?”

Answer: “Catholics Think Clearly enough to know: Every distraction from This Word of Jesus is a Worldly Marketing Plan:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2: “What happens to souls of those who allow Worldly Marketing Plans to keep them from living in accord with Any Word of Jesus?”

Answer: “Worldly Marketing Plans lead many to think Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ are not as important as the things and ideas they are selling.”


Question 3: “Who would not prefer Heaven’s Eternity of Joy for their soul?”

Answer: “Worldly Marketing Plans keep many from Thinking Clearly about God. Their distractions make it hard for people to focus on getting Christ’s ‘keys’ for their immortal souls.”


Question 4: “Are all Worldly Marketing Plans the same?”

Answer: “All of them lead us love our opinions and desires more than obeying The Two Commands of Christ: ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’


Question 5: “What happens to their souls?”

Answer: “Every soul shrinks as Willful Disobedience to God expands in their mind and spirit.”


Question 6: “What happens to shrunken souls?”

Answer: “Demons play games with them! The souls of the confused are turned into various kinds of hollow balls.”


Question 7: “Are lost souls like tennis balls being endlessly hit with a racket?”

Answer: “Catholics know! That short sentence describes Worldly Marketing Plans and what they do to as many souls as they can.”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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