Does our “Book of Life” become “God’s YouTube” at Judgment?

Catholics see a reason to not “make a mess” of our lives! And, we see how to “clean up” all the messes we do make.


Question 1: “What happens when Jesus reads what has been written in our ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer: “Catholics realize! Jesus may not read ‘words’ that we and others have written about us in our ‘Book of Life’


Question 2: “What may happen?”

Answer: “Every ‘Book of Life’ may be digitized in Visual Form as ‘God’s YouTube’!”


Question 3: “What! How could that be?”

Answer: “God may have ‘Angelic Videographers’. They splice together every sin we have committed and every lie we have told. Our ‘Book of Life’ may be recorded in ‘God’s YouTube’. What we did in our life may be played at Judgment for all of Heaven to see.”


Question 4: “Does ‘God’s YouTube’ give a ‘Heavenly Jury’ the evidence they need to convict us for our sins?”

Answer: “We know what The Book of Revelation says in 6:9-10! ‘And when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony they had upheld. And they cried out in a loud voice, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You avenge our blood and judge those who dwell upon the earth?’


Question 5: “There are billions of souls of unborn babies whose lives were taken from them. Some were no bigger than a grain of salt when they were killed by pills and chemicals. Are they among the ‘martyrs’ who are ‘crying out for vengeance’? Is part of their Joy in Heaven seeing that those who have hurt them are being appropriately punished, forever?”

Answer: “Souls in Heaven are filled with overwhelming joy when God answers their calls for ‘vengeance’!”


Question 6: “Is there any way that we can keep God from Judging and Punishing us for the sins we have committed against Him and our neighbors on earth?”

Answer: “Catholics know! Jesus Christ specifically gave His Catholic priests This Awesome Power in John 20:23. ‘If you (Catholic priests) forgive anyone their sins, they are forgiven them. Whoever’s sins you (Catholic priests) retain, they have been retained.’


Question 7: “Why doesn’t everyone who believes in Jesus become Catholic, go to Confession and get that Absolution?”

Answer: “Many are too vain to believe that Jesus has The Power to have Every Word of His become Eternal Truth! Catholics are blessed to know:
Our sins are erased from ‘God’s YouTube’ of our lives.”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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