Does The Bible Call for Christian Unity?

. Catholics answer Christ’s call to be of “the same mind” and “united in heart” with Every Word of God.


Question 1: “Does The Bible Call for Christian Unity?

Answer: “One of The Bible’s Calls for Christian Unity in St. Paul’s letter, Phil 2:1-4.”


“Question 2: “What does That Word tell us?”

Answer: “‘Brothers and sisters: If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing.’


Question 3: “Does ‘being of the same mind, united in heart,’ and ‘thinking one thing’ tell us that those who find real ‘encouragement in Christ’ should be in The Only Church HE Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word:

‘And I say unto you thou are Peter and on this rock I build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . .’

Answer: “It is not possible to be fully ‘the same mind, united in heart,’ and ‘thinking one thing’ if we chose to live in willful contradiction to Any Teaching from Jesus Christ.”


Question 4: “What makes some people not be of ‘the same mind’, united in heart, and ‘thinking one thing’ about That Word of Jesus Christ and His Church?”

Answer: “Many people do not want to Think Clearly about Christ’s Power to provide His Church and the ‘keys’ He gave Her.”


Question 5: “What keeps people from Thinking Clearly about that?”

Answer: “Fallen angels hate God and people. Their clouds of confusion keep people from Thinking Clearly about obeying The God Who Spoke Creation Into Being with His Holy Word.”


Question 6: “Do those who refuse to be of the ‘same mind’ with God lose their souls to eternal pain?”

Answer: “Those who are genuinely confused may be saved. Or, not. It is up to God. Thinking Clearly about that leads us to His Catholic Church.”


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