Does The Book of Revelation tell us WHERE the world will come to an end?

Everyone wants to know! “When will the world come to an end?” And, we all want to know “WHERE will the world come to an end?”

Jesus said that only The Father knows when the world will come to an end. Does The Book of Revelation tells us WHERE the world will come to an end?

St. John gives us an important clue to “WHERE will the world come to an end?”


Revelation, Chapter 21:2 gives us this information! “I saw the holy city, and The New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, as beautiful as a bride all dressed for her husband.”

St. John explains: “The world of the past has gone. . .” The New Jerusalem “is the rightful inheritance of the one who proves victorious…”

He tells us who will not be allowed into The New Jerusalem! “But the legacy for cowards, for those who break their word, or worship obscenities, for murderers and fornicators, and for fortune-tellers, idolaters or any other sort of liars, is the second death in the burning lake of sulfur.”


Where does The New Jerusalem come to earth? One of the Seven Angels told St. John: “In the spirit, he took me to the top of an enormous high mountain, and showed me Jerusalem, the holy city, coming down from God out of Heaven.”

Catholics know! The most “enormous high mountain” on the earth is Mt. Everest!

Mt. Everest is in Nepal.

Nepal has become a miraculously Catholic nation! The highest percentage of Catholic men becoming priests takes place in Nepal! There are an incredible number of blessed Catholics in Nepal. This Catholic Fundamentalism Facebook Page has 2,000,000 followers. 150,000 of them live in Nepal!

There are miraculous reasons to consider! Will the Catholics of Nepal be the first people on earth to see The New Jerusalem “coming down from God out of Heaven.”?

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