
Our first duty is to save our own soul. We do this by obeying God. That requires us to love Him, our neighbors, and our enemies. Having lots of enemies gives us a wonderful opportunity to gain Heaven credits.

The second duty is to save others. Acquainting non-believers, or tepid believers, with the notion that God can program in three dimensions is a good, quiet start. Telling the tepid that “God can program three dimensional particles. He complied them into structures and replicating beings. He programmed them into a universe to give human beings free will. You are perfectly free to see the universe as an accident, or as an amazingly complicated program that, for all practical purposes, exists to determine where you want your soul to go.”

It may take years for it to sink in. No matter. If you help plant the magic bean upon which vine an otherwise lost soul can climb to Heaven, you have done a good thing.

Referring people to catholicfundamentalism.com may help get a seed planted that causes a return to The Church for an individual, a family, or a group.
