Each life is a Test of Faith. Those who do not pass must fail. Forever.

Life has many tests. Each life is a Test of Faith. Those who do not pass must fail. Forever.

Jesus, His Church, His Saints, and His Angels want us to pass our Test of Faith. The devil wants us to fail our Test of Faith.

The living spirit of disobedience got Adam and Eve to disobey God! And, the devil got a third of the angels in Heaven to disobey God!

The devil wants us to fail our Test of Faith. Evil hates anyone who obeys Jesus.

Each life is a Test of Faith. We are surrounded by Temptations to sin. Every Temptation encourages us to disobey Jesus and The Teachings of His Church. Each Test of Faith is the same.

1. We may choose to respect and obey Jesus.

2. Or, we may let The Profiteers of Protestantism lead us to disrespect Jesus. The disrespectful are easily led into disobey Jesus.

3. Who fails The Test of Faith? All who willfully and knowingly let disrespect lead them to disobey The Church-Founding Word of Jesus.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Those who pass The Test of Faith are the only people who may access “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus gave “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to one person in all of History!

Jesus did not give “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to any other person or to any other Church on Earth.

45,000 men have invented Marketing Plans. 45,000 Protestant denominations are designed to get money from those who are led to fail The Test of Faith. No one who willfully fails The Test of Faith has access to “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.

It is as simple as that.

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