Each of us is a miniature version of God in Heaven.

Catholics know that our soul is “made in the image of God”. Each of us is a miniature version of God in Heaven. God is the Ruler of Creation. We should enthrone our soul as the ruler of our spirit, mind, and body.

Our soul is always aware of God. Our soul wants our spirit, mind, and body to obey God. Our soul knows! If we let ourselves disobey God, our immortal soul cannot be in Heaven among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”


Each of us is a miniature version of God in Heaven. Disobedient angels in Heaven attacked God. Our souls are attacked by thoughts that lead our spirit, mind, and body to disobey God.

Sinful thoughts move through our minds. Every sinful thought is a demon of disobedience. They are living electrons of evil. They try to get our spirit to disobey our soul’s desperate desire to get into Heaven.

We must force our spirit, mind, and body to obey our soul.


The war that rages within us reflects the battle in Heaven between God and His disobedient enemies.

Our precious soul is the target of our battle with our demons of disobedience!


God’s obedient angels defeated the disobedient angels in Heaven. The disobedient angels were thrown to earth! They enter and conquer as many minds as they can! They leap into our brains from lying words on printed pages! They fly into our minds from talks and images provided by those whom they possess on earth.

Desires for disobedience come into our minds whenever we let them! They do everything they can to lead us to disobey God.


If we let them lead us to disobey God, our soul is reduced to a quivering electron of disobedience! How can we win against such odds?

God did come to earth in Human Form. God did leave us One Church with “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”. Those “keys” are The Seven Catholic Sacraments. They will do two things:

They will help us “lock” the demons out of our spirit, mind, and body.

And, they will “unlock” the gates of Heaven for an obedient soul to enter.


We each must pray: “God, let me obey!”

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