Each of us is “The King” or “The Queen” of OUR Kingdom.

Catholics know!  Each person on earth is “The King” or “Queen” of our “Kingdom”.

Catholics know!  Each person on earth is “The King” or “Queen” of our “Kingdom”.


Question 1:  “Why do Catholics think of ourselves as ‘The King’ or ‘Queen’ of our ‘Kingdom’?”

Answer: “Each of us has a spirit, mind, and body.  That is our ‘Kingdom’!  We also have an ‘immortal soul’.  If our soul rules our earthly ‘Kingdom’ in obedience to the Laws of God, He gives our ‘immortal soul’ the ‘keys’ into His Kingdom of Heaven.”


Question 2:  “What Laws of God help Catholic souls guide our spirit, mind, and body so that we will get the ‘immortal soul’ that rules ‘Our Kingdom’ into ‘The Kingdom of God’?”

Answer:  “About 15 trillion light years after God began to download The Creation Program, He gave His first Laws to us in His Ten Commandments.  A few thousand years later, God took Human Form on earth.  He sacrificed His Life on earth to Personally Provide ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ to those who obeyed His Two New Laws.”


Question 3:  “What were God’s Two New Laws?”

Answer:  “God put His Two New Laws in One Sentence!  ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’  Those who obey His Two New Laws to rule our ‘Human Kingdom’ can get their immortal souls into ‘God’s Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 4:  “How do we know that God came to earth in Human Form?”

Answer:  “God gave His Chosen ‘Prophets’ more than 300 predictions of His coming to earth.  He would be ‘born of a virgin in The House of David in the tiny village of Bethlehem’ that contained two or three hundred of the billion people on earth.  He would be ‘lifted up before men’ and the whole world would ‘look upon He Whom they pierced’.”


Question 5:  “How would God let His beloved human people learn all they need to obey His Two New Laws in the 2,000 years after Jesus was ‘lifted up before men’ and seen to have been ‘pierced’?”

Answer:  “God left His Earthly Body of Christ on earth by Speaking One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Church-Creating Word to His First Catholic Pope!  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6:  “Why isn’t everyone who understands that in His Catholic Church?”

Answer:  “One-third of the angels in Heaven were angry because God took away the powers they had to lead Tribes of People all over the world.  All of them were thrown out of Heaven and onto Earth.  From that day until this, those who willfully choose to let fallen angels rule our ‘kingdoms’ have suffered the eternal agonies of hell.”


Question 7:  “What do people who meaningfully understand that do?”

Answer:  “Live Catholic.”

