The Effects of Hatred

The Effects of Hatred

upon us become more apparent as we think specifically about them. The fifty million babies that have been aborted felt the agony of hatred directly. Their parents go on feeling it. They often hide it by embracing more hateful beliefs in order to distract themselves from what they’ve done. The most hate-filled of all, those who pushed this hatefulness upon us, make themselves as oblivious to it as they can, pretending to be concerned instead with “a woman’s right to choose” while rejoicing in the deaths they have caused.

The same people unleash their hatred every way they can. There is never a lie that they do not enthusiastically disseminate. They embraced the Ozone Hole, Global Freezing, Global Warming, endless deficit spending, public education programs that made children more ignorant than ever, restrictions in every facet of life, and every other lie they could.

No matter what aspect of our lives we consider, we see the effects of their hatred. From the ridiculous, as being forced to buy several kinds of more expensive gasoline depending on location and time of year, to the utterly lunatic, believing that plastic bags are killing billions of fish in an imaginary “gyre” of floating plastic in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the haters pollute the world not with particulates but with lies.

We see the hateful in every organization, always saying “No!” to anything helpful to families and freedom. We wonder why, and may understand that their minds are filled with demons leading them to their own spiritual destruction even as they try to destroy all that is good and decent around them.

Their favored tool of those consumed by hatred is government. From the prison camp of Cuba to its twin in North Korea, from the gulags of Siberia to the swelling prisons of the Middle East, government agents and agencies do the work of visiting hatred upon their neighbors. Each new plan, each new bureaucracy, each new imaginary problem, and each new regulation results in hurting neighbors. They rejoice, and still say, “More!”

The simply won’t stop. There is nothing else they can do. After a soul is overwhelmed by the demons of Pride, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Anger, Lust, and Sloth, it can only do as its spiritual controllers desire, and that is to spread their foul, spiritual diseases as far and wide as they can.
