Either, or.

In the world, we separate cream from milk and wheat from chaff. We are given the opportunity to spend our lives separating what we want from what we don’t want to help prepare us for the far greater decision with far more lasting consequences that will be made by God as to whether or not He wants us.

When we are judged on how we did in this life, sheep are separated from goats. Those who arrive at the wedding feast with enough oil are always separated from those who didn’t. People marked with the seal of God were (or, will be) spared the everlasting pain of those who weren’t so identified.

Some recognize that each of us, in the most final analysis, is either going to be chosen, or not chosen, by God. Those who fear His rejection follow His directions. We tend to be traditional, conservative, and truthful. Those who base their choices on a Judgementless eternity tend to be modern, liberal, and to lie a lot.

It’s important to be ready to say at appropriate times to appropriate people, “Many began their pilgrimage with the premise that there is a God who will judge us by our thought, words, and deeds.”
