Empires of Mediocrity

In a free economy, goods and services are provided efficiently. Those who have the intellectual ability to best supply their friends and neighbors with what they need

tend to do well.

In every field of endeavor, from candy bars to paper clips, those capable of the best thinking tend to rise. As financial skills are developed, many enterprises are combined. Smaller outlets are often less efficient, and drop by the wayside.

What are the less able to do? They all want as much money as they can get, and this drive often brings like-minded mediocrities together into political organizations. Once organized, they are able to force taxpayers to support their own Empires of Mediocrity.

Most bureaucratic agencies may be so described and understood. The Empires of Mediocrity care nothing about efficiency. The unhappy fact is that they fight it, while pretending to care about “being better” and “performing our mission”.

There are many, many meetings in the Empires of Mediocrity. Those able to maintain enthusiasm for generating larger income streams quickly rise to the top. Their ascent is fueled by those to whom they promise jobs and rewards.

It’s a sad way for people to spend their days in the clay. Those are the only days that such people see. Those devoted to the Empires of Mediocrity have little concern for the lies, deceptions, and confiscations that fuel them.

They resist taking seriously the idea that they have immortal souls that may be saved if they do not worship idols.
