Enemies, foreign and domestic.

Every country has enemies within it. Like America’s Stalinists and environmental extremists, such enemies are often in the direct pay of foreign enemies. Money flows both ways. Sometimes, the enemies within a nation help to empower the enemies without.

It takes practice to learn about the existence and habits of destroyers. Most of us are so busy with jobs and families that we don’t pay much attention to those committed to destroying life and truth. And, us.

Many are diverted from such efforts because they don’t want to be called “paranoid”. Reading the ancient book, “Plutarch’s Lives” will give us a better grasp of how corrupt politicians can be.

II. Have a heart.

From Great Britain, home of Magna Carta, and the country that once fought against slavery, comes the depressing news that organ donations may be forced by British bureaucrats.

One can picture a young, healthy friend or relative in a hospital after an accident. He is determined to be in “critical” condition . Then, the doctor decides. “There is so little chance of recovery that I’ve made the decision to pull the plug and harvest the organs.”

What he fails to mention is that the hospital director’s aging father needs a new heart, this one is a perfect match, and the selection for the new Director of Surgery is next week.

III. Dream, come true.

Finally, Senator Fred Thompson’s bright light is shining through the fog. South Carolina will tell us whether evangelical voters are able to remember Jimmy Carter’s cold, calculated betrayal of their values, realize that Gov. Huckabee is cut from the same, leftist cloth, and swing to Senator Thompson.

With every debate and appearance, Senator McCain looks more bizarre, former Mayor Giuliani a johnny one-note, Romney a betrayal of 2 John, 7, Representative Paul too upsettingly right, leaving Senator Thompson towering over them all.

IIII. Alignment.

Jupiter is the largest planet, the “King” of those that circle the sun. Venus, ancient Goddess of Beauty, is, to many, a physical symbol of the “Queen” of Heaven.

In a couple of weeks, on February 1, 2008, the “King and Queen” of Heaven will be in near-perfect alignment with Earth.

It will be interesting to see if something obviously wondrous will happen during that time. A few weeks ago, Jupiter, Mercury, and ex-planet Pluto were in line, and we were beleaguered with unusually strong winds. When the “King and Queen” have been put so closely together by The Programmer, it may not be unreasonable to expect something more.
