The enemies of homosexuality

The enemies of homosexuality strike with vicious retribution in many Moslem countries. In some of them, computer experts, who’ve been given access to everyone’s computer transmissions, spend their days searching countless emails and log-ins to identify and locate homosexuals. When they find them, or think they’ve found them, they are tortured, and often killed by death squads sent to destroy them. What they do to them is better left unsaid, but includes agonizing abuse, amputation and painful death.

In our own country, such attacks are never mentioned by the state-run media. Instead, many are led to believe that the true enemy of homosexuality is Christianity. As a result, Christian churches are often attacked by the especially hostile among their community, and Christians are thought of as “the enemy”.

The billion Christians in the world, as commanded, mostly turn the other cheek. They pray for the souls of their attackers, and want them to be saved. Most of the world’s billion Moslems, on the other hand, believe it is their duty to kill homosexuals, and frequently do so.

One question that arises is a difficult one: “Why do homosexuals attack the Christians who pray for their souls while ignoring the Moslems who murder them?”

Tomorrow, an answer will be suggested.
