The enemies of life love death. They attack life in many ways.
1. “You are what’s important.” Focus on self reduces concerns about present and future family. Our individuality came from the DNA provided by our parents and ancestors. We are a unique compilation of our ancestors. We are a precious gift God made from our ancestors. If should respect themenough to pass on what we have been given. When we revere “self”, we die.
2. “Sex is good.” By encouraging sexual activity, children are led away from wanting children and the responsibility of passing on their own gift to future generations. Encouraging abortion and abortion-inducing birth control destroys individuals and nations. The enemies of life love death.
3. “Sports are important.” By encouraging young men to permanently damage their brains with thousands of blows to the head from soccer balls and football helmets, they are less able to think to capacity. That reduces their ability to want and provide for their own families. Many do not want young people to be able to think for themselves. The enemies of life love death. They like brain-destroying sports as much as other kinds of drugs.
4. “God wants you to be happy.” Obsession with self is a deadly disease. It separates us from God and keeps us from wanting to have and support our own families. Obsession with happiness brings death to the soul. The enemies of life love death.
5. “You do not need religion.” Beliefs that bring us closest to God are the most hated. The Catholic Church was founded by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies. The Church protects life from conception to natural death. The Catholic Church is the most consistent defender of life on earth. The enemies of life hate The Catholic Church more than anything. The enemies of life love death.