Our Enemy is Vanity, Internal and External.

Each of us has our own, individual battle with vanity. We begin winning as soon as we define it as our enemy.

Outside ourselves, the vainest among always try to gain political power. Having done so, they attack us, our property, and our families. That’s what they do and all that vanity can do.

We see utterly corrupt and wrong political leaders continuing in corruption and error because vanity has overwhelmed them. Vanity blinds them to their souls and the inescapable judgment that awaits each soul.

Vain people have been, and are now, in charge of our political system. After countless mistakes in every thing they do, it is not unreasonable to conclude that they prefer being wrong to right. After two years of especially loud, vain, and frequent claims about the success of their programs, two facts have emerged that prove them to be lies:

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — New home sales unexpectedly fell in July to the lowest level on record as the housing market continued to suffer from the end of the homebuyer tax credit boost.

New home sales dropped 12.4% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 276,000 last month, down from a downwardly revised 315,000 in June, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday. Sales year-over-year fell 32.4%.

And, what of existing homes? How has the “successful recovery” they claim to have caused helped?

“On Tuesday, a real estate industry report showed that existing home sales sank 27.2% in July, twice as much as analysts expected, to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.83 million units. The pace of sales of single family homes, which account for a bulk of the transactions, fell to the lowest level since May 1995.”

These are stunning indictments of the grossest failures, clearly seen in one of the largest sectors of our economy. Still, not a single one of those responsible for the damage and hurt will tell the truth:

“Everything we did was utterly and completely wrong. We said we would help, but we didn’t. Instead, we made things worse for nearly all of you. We only helped a few of our friends. That is the best we have ever done and the best that we can ever do.”

The very same people whose willful policies have destroyed the housing industry will not tell the truth about what they have done. In perhaps the biggest triumph of vanity in history, many of them are saying, right this very minute, “I think I’ve earned your support in November.”

Amazingly, there are those so fearful of their own, independent thought that they believe them!
