Environmentalism separates sheep from goats.

When we realize how out of touch environmentalists are, we understand how hard it is for them to relate to a sentence like this, from instapundit:

“THE SAUDIS COULDN’T ASK FOR BETTER IF THEY PAID THEM: Green group (of environmentalists)  urges Department of  Interior to delay Shell’s Arctic drilling plans.

In Catholic Fundamentalism’s endless search for quantification, we suggest that the interpretation of that sentence divides people into the following groups:

1.  Those smart enough to understand that environmentalists are “hired guns”, in this case working to help Saudi/OPEC oil producers maintain market share.

2.  Those not smart enough to understand that environmentalists are “hired guns”, in this case working to help Saudi/OPEC oil producers maintain market share.

3.  Those who are smart enough to understand that environmentalists are “hired guns”, and who don’t care if lies are being told and exaggerations are being made.

4.  Those who are smart enough to understand that they might be able to get richer by participating in the lies.

5.  Those smart enough to realize that if they choose to lie for money or to be politically correct, they can’t get into Heaven.

At the end of the day, environmentalism separates sheep from goats.  That’s why it’s there.  There isn’t much we can do to move people from the goat category.  Simply explaining the process isn’t enough.  Most of them don’t believe in a God powerful enough to punish them for being intentionally wrong, and don’t really want to hear that He is.

We may explain, “Environmentalism separates sheep from goats.  Those who embrace or profit from that, or any system that lies and exaggerates for money, cannot get to Heaven.  Environmentalism is something God uses to get the goats out of the Garden under their own steam.”

Goats always respond with an unwillingness to consider the possibility.
