Some of the comments on this site have an interesting aspect. They contain insults and rudeness. It is unlikely that such thoughts would be expressed in face to face conversations. But, in the comparative anonymity provided by the internet, the dislike that some have for neighbors with different opinions blazes forth.
It’s obvious that many people carry a heavy load of anger.
It’s hard to avoid asking, “Why do some people have so much anger toward thoughts and people with which and whom they disagree?
One answer is not popular: “Anger is the name of a tribe of demons. The human programs whose operating systems have been corrupted by those living errors are easily identified by the fact that they tend to become angry.”
That answer is more likely to mobilize their demon into more anger, rather than immediately calming a soul. But, that answer that makes as much sense as any.
When that answer is calmly considered, and the human program realizes that the answer cannot be contradicted, but only disagreed with, some may consider it sufficiently valid to ask:
“Loving Programmer, please have Angels of Peace and Love erase the demons of anger that make it so hard for me to get closer to You.”
Oh, how the demons of anger hate for the person they control to do that!
As we begin erasing the demons of anger from our human operating system, we grow loser to The Loving Programmer and the eternal joy of Heaven.
Once we realize that the demons of anger can be taken from us, another realization may be made: “The demon of anger is the best friend and defender of that disgusting demon of self-righteousness hiding right behind him. I’m sick of that one, too.”
The narrow path begins to become more negotiable as we shed the demons that keep us from getting through.