Why Europe sank into apostasy. What we can do about it.

The earliest signs of Christianity in Spain date to 100-150 AD. By that time, Christian missionaries had reached much of Europe. The next 1500 years was spent consolidating, growing, and expanding the Roman Catholic Church.

Early writings list an astonishing number of schismatic cults. Every Church teaching was perverted as profiteers tried to replace virtually all Christian beliefs. The orthodoxy of the Roman Catholic Church expanded, despite, or because, of the attacks on it.

The first large-scale Protestant operation was a looter-oriented religion founded in the desert. By 700, it had brought large swatches of formerly Christian and near-Christian in North Africa and the Middle East under its control.

North of the Pyrenees, much of Europe held firmly to the Catholic Church.

Western Europe exiled the last of the looters in 1492, the same year the vast Americas were discovered. There, Spanish Christians discovered Babylonian religions whose vicious priests were sacrificing millions of helpless people.

Suddenly, The Church refocused its missionary effort on the millions of lost souls in the Americas. French missionaries went to Canada, to be routinely tortured and martyred as they converted the Indian nations. Spanish missionaries converted South, Central, and parts of North America. Missions were set up in India and the far east. In England, Catholic missionaries ministered to their own de-Churched people and were wiped out by the English government.

Since these missionaries left Europe, there were fewer to give various heretics the attention they needed. With no one to point out their errors, separatists grew in number and strength. Schismatics combined their energies with political opportunists. Soon, “national” religions began to replace the Church Universal. Then, religion itself was replaced by Giant Government, which combined the golden calf of the Hebrews with the self-glorification of the Greeks.

Today, the fragmentation is wonderfully complete. Those who wanted to use their free will to abandon their ancestral faith could do so with no one saying “Wait! Stop!” The collapse is obvious to all, yet Europeans are helpless to stop the long, slow fall.

Catholic Fundamentalists know that the only way Europe can recover is to return to The Church.

We, as Catholic Fundamentalists can help. We should work to demonstrate God’s reality and power in our time by passing on to our European friends the simple notion that God can program in three dimensions.

That’s why it is important that you, dear reader, share with others the idea that God can program particles. “New Road to Rome” explores this concept in some depth. It can be downloaded for free in the “Books” section.

Take a look at it. You’ll find that it outlines the only way that some people can be reached. Maybe, the only way a continent can be saved.
