Every Catholic has a Mission! Part 5

Every Catholic has a Mission! Part 5 tells us that our mission begins with one word. Obedience!

“Every Catholic prays / ‘God, may I obey! / You!'”

Once we begin to do that, we become better Catholics!  The Power of God grows in our mind.  Our soul glows like a star.

“Every Catholic prays / ‘God, may I obey! / You!'”


Our soul is a tiny spark of living light.  Brighter sparks of living light shine from the souls of obedient Catholic Saints.  They shine like diamonds in Heaven.

What makes them shine?

Their Holy Souls absorb light from God!

They can pass some of that Holy Light to us!

What happens when we say these words!  “Every Catholic prays / God, may I obey! You!'”   Saints send their light to us!

What happens?   We shine more brightly!   Our shining light shows that God is smiling upon us!


The poor Protestants live in darkness.  Their paths are not illuminated by the light shining from God’s Saints!  They try to believe.  They say they believe.

But, the poor Protestants miss out on “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.   He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies did give us access to those “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”!

How did Jesus Christ do that?    Jesus Christ Spoke One Church Into Being on Earth with His Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Catholics remind ourselves and our neighbors of the simple prayer. “Every Catholic prays / ‘God, may I obey! / You!'”   Our job?

We are to absorb and reflect the bright light beaming down from the souls of Catholic Saints.   That is how we help our neighbors find “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Every Catholic has a Mission! Part 5 “Every Catholic prays / ‘God, may I obey! / You!'”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
