Every Catholic is “thirsty” for Christ’s Approval at Judgment.

Catholics know! If we obey Jesus on earth, He will tell us “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” when we stand before Him at Judgment.


Question 1: “What makes every Catholic soul ‘thirsty’?”

Answer: “We read Rev 21:6. ‘I will give water from the well of life free to anyone who is thirsty’. Catholics know! The most important thing in life is to go to Christ’s Judgment and be forever among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 2: “Why are Catholics so ‘thirsty’ for Christ’s approval?”

Answer: “Christ’s Approval is The Power in Heaven that can let our immortal soul have joy, forever.”


Question 3: “Why do Catholics want Christ’s Approval at Judgment?”

Answer: “Without Christ’s Approval, we cannot get into Heaven!”


Question 4: “What do Catholics do that gives them Christ’s Approval at Judgment?”

Answer: “We begin by obeying The Holy Word with Which Jesus Christ Spoke ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ into being!

‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5: “If a person willfully and knowingly decides to reject Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’, can their soul get into Heaven?”

Answer: “The safest answer: ‘No.’


Question 6: “Don’t all Christians, even Willful Protestants, try to be good enough to get into Heaven?”

Answer: “We must Think Clearly enough to know that it is bad to disobey Any Teaching of Jesus.”


Question 7: “Can Willful Protestants get into Heaven by saying ‘I am sorry that I did not Think Clearly enough to be Catholic’?”

Answer: “God made the universe to give each of us Free Will. Each of us has all the time we need to Think Clearly enough to be Catholic and get His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’. Each of us must live forever with our decision.”


Question 8: “If a Willful Protestant on his or her deathbed realizes how wrong they were to disobey Jesus, can they ask Him to forgive their disobedience?”

Answer: “The only hope a Willful Protestant has is being able to Think Clearly enough to do that before their immortal soul leaves their mortal mind and body.

‘Thirsty’ Catholics know! There might not be any drinking water in hell.”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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