Every Catholic knows what ” The Road to Hell” is made of!

.                                                        Every brick in the road to hell is agood intention’!


Question 1:  “What is ‘The Road to Hell’ made of?”

Answer:  “1,200 years ago, St. Bernard of Clairvaux told us ‘The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.’   A thousand years later, Samuel Johnson, a famous non-Catholic author, said the same thing.”


Question 2:  “Can people end up in ‘hell’ if they believe they are doing ‘good’ as they go through life?”

Answer:   “Every person on ‘The ‘Road to Hell’ believes it is ‘good’ to make excuses for disobeying Words of God.   The more excuses we make for disobeying Any Word of God, the farther down ‘The Road to Hell’ we are.”


Question 3:  “If there is a ‘Road to Hell’, there must be a ‘Road to Heaven’.  Do people on ‘The Road to Heaven’ obey This Word of God?   ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’

Answer.  “Anyone who embraces reasons to disobey Any Word of God puts their soul on ‘The Road to Hell’.”


Question:  “Why do some people make excuses for disobeying That Word of God?”

Answer:  “They have ‘The Eve Disease’.  She was the first person the devil convinced to disobey Words of God.   She violated what God would tell us is The First Commandment.”


Question 5:  “Is The First Commandment the most important?”

Answer:  “‘Thou shall have no other gods before Me.’ is His First, and most important, Commandment.”


Question 6:  “Do Willful Protestants know they are breaking The First Commandment by disobeying The Great Decree of Jesus?

Answer:   “Many of them are confused by The Profiteers of Protestantism.  ‘The Eve Disease’ leads them, and their donors, to disobey The Great Decree of Jesus.”


Question 7:  “Do The Profiteers of Protestantism know what they are doing to their own souls?”

Answer:   “They do one good thing.   They make their lives into living proof that ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.  catholicfundamentalism.com
