Every Daily Reading is a reason to “Be Catholic!” #41

The Prophet Micah and a Psalmist identified an "evil, wicked race" of people. Jesus told us how they could be cured!

Question 1:  “How does Today’s Catholic Reading tell us to ‘Be Catholic!’?”

Answer:  “The Prophet Micah (Mi 2:1-5) tells us what is coming to greedy, neighbor-hating people who plot against us when they gather:   ‘Woe to those who plan iniquity, and work out evil on their couches.’


Question 2:  “What happens when their ‘plans around the dinner table’ are finalized?”

Answer:  ‘In the morning light they accomplish it when it lies within their power.’


Question 2:  “What do these God and neighbor-hating people plot to do?”

Answer:  “‘They covet fields, and seize them;  houses, and they take them;  They cheat an owner of his house, a man of his inheritance.’


Question 3:  “How did God’s Prophet warn of His punishment?”

Answer:  “God identified The Problem by telling us who they are!  They are an evil ‘race’ of people!   Therefore thus says The Lord:  Behold, I am planning against this race an evil from which you shall not withdraw your necks;  Nor shall you walk with head high, for it will be a time of evil.’


Question 4:  “What happens to this ‘evil race’ of people?”

Answer:  “God will send foreign invaders to take everything they own!   Then,  ‘there shall be a plaintive chant:  ‘Our ruin is complete, our fields are portioned out among our captors.  The fields of My people are measured out and no one can get them back.’


Question 5:  “Does Today’s Psalm teach that God will help those who are made poor by ‘the evil race’ of people?”

Answer:  “Psalm 10:1-14 tells us to make this plea to God:  ‘Do not forget the poor, O Lord!’  Then, God further identifies those in the ‘evil race’ of people on earth!  ‘For the wicked man glories in his greed, and the covetous blasphemes, sets The Lord at nothing.  The wicked man boasts, ‘God will not avenge it.’


Question 6:  “Is there an easy way to identify those in ‘the evil, wicked race’?

Answer:  “God tells us that every person in ‘the evil, wicked race’ has one identifying characteristic:  ‘There is no God.’ sums up his thoughts.’


Question 7:  “Is there any cure for ‘the evil, wicked race’?”

Answer:  “The Bible says there is a cure for those in ‘the evil, wicked race’!   2 Cor. 5:9 is clear:  ‘God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.’


Question 8:  “What was ‘the message of reconciliation’ God left on earth?”

Answer:   “Jesus Christ Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being on Earth with His Church-Creating ‘message’ to The First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 9:  “Can that cure people in ‘evil, the wicked race’ God described to Micah and the Psalmist?”

Answer:  “Receiving The Actual Body and Blood of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies in Catholic Communion puts the living cloud of electrons in the spirit that does our thinking in better alignment with God.  The ‘evil, wicked race’ can be saved.  The DNA that puts people in ‘the wicked race’ can be ‘upgraded’.”


Question 10:  “How did Jesus say we could do that?”

Answer:  “Jesus repeated His Call to Catholic Communion 12 times in John, 6 and twice more at The Last Supper:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


From the Prophets to Jesus, God’s cure for ‘the evil, wicked race’ is clear:  “Be Catholic!”
