Every “dot” moves closer to, or farther from, “The Dot-Maker”.

May every person in the world be blessed with greater “Trust in Jesus”.

May every person in the world be blessed with greater “Trust in Jesus”.


Question 1:  “Is it a Universal Truth that every ‘dot’ in the universe, from stars in the most distant galaxy to every human soul, is either moving closer to or farther from ‘The Dot-Maker’?”

Answer:  “Today’s Reading Luke 11:28 tells every human ‘dot’ how to be closer to ‘The Dot-Maker’:  ‘Blessed are those who hear The Word of God and observe it.’  The ‘dot’ that is their soul is moving closer to ‘The Dot-Maker’.”


Question 2:  “Which people are most meaningfully moving closer to ‘The Dot-Maker’?”

Answer:  “Those who ‘observe’ and obey The Call to Catholic Communion Jesus repeated 14 times:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 3:  “Where do they find That Holy Food?”

Answer:  “‘The Dot-Maker’ left one holy place on earth so those who ‘observed’ His Church-Creating ‘Word’ could find Him living in That Word:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 4:  “Why doesn’t everyone who says ‘I believe in Jesus!’ become Catholic and eat ‘That Holy Food’?”

Answer:  “Victims of Protestantism believe we can hear ‘The Word of God’ and be pleasing to Him even if do not ‘observe’ it by obedience.


Question 5:  “Why has ‘The Dot-Maker’s Creation Program’ taken form in an expanding universe that is now 30 trillion light-years from one side to another?”

Answer:  “All the ‘dots’ produced by ‘The Dot-Maker’ are there as a ‘Test of Faith’‘The Dot-Maker’s living ‘dot’ that is our immortal soul fit inside us when we were the size of a grain of salt at our conception.  That ‘dot’ lives in a ‘mind and body dot’ with a brain big enough to realize that we who fit inside a ‘grain of salt’ now live in The Dot-Maker’s Creation Program, which is 30 trillion light-years from one side to another.”


Question  6:  “Can we see which people pass The Dot-Maker’s ‘Test of Faith’?”

Answer:  “Catholics respect Jesus enough to ‘observe’ and obey His  Clear Word in Luke 8:19-21, ‘My mother and my brothers are those who hear The Word of God and act on it.’


