Evidence of Climate Fraud Grows, Media Coverage Doesn’t

This, from dissectingleftism.com shows how the Associated Press Flacks

hide what their controllers want hidden:

“Evidence of Climate Fraud Grows, Media Coverage Doesn’t Newsbusters’ Noel Sheppard lets the mainstream media have it for completely ignoring this weekend’s game-changing revelations from Climategate conspirator Phil Jones while jumping all over the ejection of director Kevin Smith from a Southwest Airlines plane for being too fat.

For those who may have taken the three-day weekend off from the blogosphere (and Fox News) — the BBC released a Q&A and corresponding interview with the embattled erstwhile CRU chief on Friday. In each, the discredited Climategate conspirator revealed a number of surprising insights into his true climate beliefs, the most shocking of which was that 20th-century global warming may not have been unprecedented. (Phil Jones also said, in the same interview: “there has been no statistical warming for the past fifteen years.” That, too, was ignored by the Assoc. Press Flacks.) As I pointed out in Sunday’s article, Climategate’s Phil Jones Confesses to Climate Fraud, as the entire anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory is predicated on correlation with rising CO2 levels, this first-such confession from an IPCC senior scientist is nothing short of earth-shattering.

Noel has dug up some statistics on the major news agencies’ coverage of this vital chapter in what history will likely deem its greatest case of scientific fraud ever:

· No mention by the New York Times
· No mention by the Washington Post
· No mention by USA Today
· No mention by ANY major U.S. newspaper EXCEPT the Washington Times
· No mention by the Associated Press
· No mention by Reuters
· No mention by UPI
· No mention by ABC News
· No mention by CBS News
· No mention by NBC News
· No mention by MSNBC

As well as their treatment of Clerks director Kevin Smith being thrown off an airplane for the alleged crime of donut overindulgence:

· The New York Times reported it
· The Washington Post reported it
· The Associated Press reported it
· UPI reported it
· ABC News reported it
· CBS News reported it
· CNN reported it — 14 TIMES!

Noel points out that the same complicit media entities were similarly asleep-at-the-wheel when the Climategate scandal broke last November. Indeed, with the notable exceptions of Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, it was exclusively new media outlets such as this one reporting and analyzing the facts uncovered concerning the fraud-suggesting-emails, the data-manipulating computer source code, the funding hypocrisies, and exactly which “decline” the scoundrels were hiding.”

When we wonder why so many of the state-run media outlets are going broke, this tells us all we need to know. Instead of telling us the truth, they’re hiding it, and are now surprised to find that viewers and readers aren’t interested in purchasing lies, deceptions, and half-truths. When we ask “Why don’t they tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”, the only answer is, “Because they’re told not to.”

The logical thing to do is then ask “Who’s giving them their orders?” Answering that question takes us, inevitably and eventually, back to Hugh of St. Victor’s Didascalicon: “Those who choose to do evil are part of the body of the apostate angel.”
