
Our primary responsibility in life is to save our souls. To do so, we must drive out the demons that keep us from downloading The Programmer’s Program. As we do so, we make tremendous intellectual and spiritual progress. As lies and demons (they may be the same thing) are driven from us, or reduced in power, we become both freer and smarter. And, better.

The Sacraments are a tremendous help in getting rid of our personal demons. So is prayer. When we pray, we are actually “plugged in” to The Program. Prayer is not as direct a download as Communion, and not as straightforward as Confession, but is available to us at any time.

As we pray to drive the causes of confusion and chaos out of our own minds, we must remember to pray as well for our family and friends. And, we must also pray for The Church to survive and thrive despite the endless attacks launched on it from the other side.

We pray for people, and peoples, as well. Those who wish to destroy us are driven by the same old demons; Pride, Envy, Anger, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust. We pray that The Programmer will send enough power to everyone in the world to set themselves free of the demons that drive them to sin.

Angels and saints are powerful sources of spiritual power. Asking them for help is akin to putting a “booster” on a transmitter. They can help us with every problem we have, beginning with those that dwell within us.
