An extremely important chart:

This is one of the most important charts that’s ever been produced. We can see how severely the economy has been dislocated over the past few years as special interests, mostly under the “fairness” umbrella, have waged an unbelievably successful war on the citizens of the United States. The nearly trillion dollars that’s been spent on the bank bailout shows us just how huge the economic attack on us has been. The enemies within, primarily the far left in Congress, have cost us more than all the wars against national and international socialists in the past century.

This reflects how badly America has been impoverished by our huge balance of payments outflow, primarily for energy. The trillion dollar outflow for energy in the 18 months preceding the bailout was not available for Americans to use to pay off debts, and this is our response.

The trillion dollars has been artificially recovered, by printing more money to keep the system afloat. Funding for NASA continues, while we all are impressed with how much good it has done for us.
