Fairness, the Culture of Death’s two-faced idol.

Once “fairness” finds itself enshrined in the temple of the State, no one is safe. “Fairness” sent people to the guillotine in France and to the firing squads and gulags of later leftists.

When fairness drives justice from the courts, opinions replace facts and press releases supplant precedent, and no one is safe. Oddly, the least safe are the first who successfully instituted “fairness” as a way of life in the ascendant regime. The first to organize resistance to, and replacement of, the “ancien regime” are usually the first to be executed by the extremists who scheme their way into power. Just as Lenin’s earliest supporters were soon executed, so were Castro’s.

After the forces of “fairness” take power , those deemed “most fair” quickly loot the state they have seized. Once the state has been looted, the only source of additional funds for “more fairness” must come from other countries. So, the ambitious Napoleons and Stalins who owed their power to the demand for “fairness” become the only ones able to fund the new, and larger state of “fairness”.

Since he who has the power to fund has the power to control, leftist states sink into personality cults. North Korea, Cuba, China, the Soviet Union, Romania, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, all ended up being run by the most vicious megalomaniacs their societies could produce.

Those who lust for such power work hard to have their governments disintegrate into over-spending, over-taxing, and chaos. The poor souls have about as much chance of living ten years past a successful revolution as they have of winning the lottery.

They do not care. The drive for power transcends the desire to live. Power is the idol they worship, its theology is death.
