Before the fall.

“Pride goeth before a fall.” has been sound advice since Proverbs. Pride can be compared to an over-inflated balloon.

An over-inflated balloon runs into two problems. As it is inflated, it comes in contact with more potential puncture-points. Rapid deflation follows.

Inflation also causes the material to get thinner. The expansion causes weaknesses and irregularities in the thickness of the film to allow deflation.

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“Lack of pride” also “goeth before a fall.” If we do not expand to our capacity, we are like the man who buried his talents, rather than investing them for maximum return.

We each need enough pride to be of service, but not so much that we become unserviceable.


God Spoke The Universe into Being to give us free will.  May all be blessed to choose to be Catholic. ~ Question 1:  “Who does get their souls into Heaven?” Answer:  “Today’s Reading tells us!   John 11:25-26 tells us:  ‘I am the resurrection and the life, says The Lord;  whoever believes in Me will never […]

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“The Master” is inviting us to His “Heavenly Banquet”. May all gratefully accept His invitation! ~ Question 1: “How does the ‘body part’ of our brain that is vanity keep many souls from Heaven?” Answer: “Lk 14:15-24 explains: ‘One of those at table with Jesus said to him, ‘Blessed is the one who will dine […]