False alarms abound!

Table 1 Global deaths and death rates for various types of events, 1900-1989 and 1990-2006
Deaths per year Death Rates per year
(per million people)
1900-1989 1990-2006 1900-1989 1990-2006
Droughts 130,042 185 57.99 0.03
Floods 75,212 7,637 31.95 1.29
Windstorms 10,856 13,650 3.96 2.45
Slides 469 868 0.16 0.15
Waves/Surges 128 207 0.06 0.03
Extreme Temperatures 110 5,671 0.03 0.91
Wild Fires 21 47 0.01 0.01
TOTAL 216,838   28,265   94.16   4.87  

As we can see, the deaths from natural disasters has dropped precipitously, from 94.16 per million people to less than five, nearly a 95% reduction.  Not one state-run media outlet will ever allow comforting information to be publicized.  They need bigger, scarier views of reality, no matter how imaginary, to justify their cash flows.

Interestingly, the number of people dying from “extreme temperatures” is suddenly shown to have sky-rocketed, going up over fifty times!  This is blatant fraud.

The number of people killed by wildfires has doubled, largely because environmentalists have made it illegal to clear undergrowth from threatened homes and neighborhoods.  Whole houses full of people have been incinerated because they were not allowed to clear flammable brush from around their homes.

As usual, the only real problems are those intentionally caused by those who profit from having profitable problems increase.  The falsehoods spread by those who lie for money are often so complex as to be beyond the grasp of many.
