Fame, a Popular False Illusion

Lots of us human programs are programmed with a desire to be famous. The enjoyment of having others look at and listen to us often blinds us to the damaging effects of fame. Some find it absolutely amazing that people would sacrifice family and children on the Altar of Attention, but millions do.

Usually, one or two out of a million attention-seekers becomes widely known. Even the most famous “fame” is fleeting.

It costs money to pay for the publicity necessary to have hundreds of millions become aware of any product or personality. Many are willing to make such payments, but few have the resources generate such expenditures. As a result, we are spared from being exposed to the uncountable horde of those who want to be admired, heeded, and “famous”.

The desire to be “famous” within our own, small groups is important to many and costs very little. We all have a desire to be better at what we do where we are. That desire can help us do and be better. On the other hand, that urge may turn into an overpowering desire to be #1 that often becomes so obvious and offensive that it reduces our effectiveness.

Vanity must be checked if any of us is to do well. As God becomes more real to us, our vanity is automatically brought under greater control. When we realize that we are very complicated programs that have been written and downloaded in such a way that we can’t prove where we, or the vast Creation Program in which we operate, came from, we are helped to see our small, yet vitally important, place.

The Loving Programmer loves us. He wants us to do good and He wants us to do well. An important step in that direction is to remind ourselves of His vast Programming Power. That helps us realize that doing His Will is far more important than doing our own.

We begin with belief. We end with obedience. Those two things bring us a gift far greater and longer-lasting than any “fame” we might achieve.
