
Fatwas are commands that faithful Moslems must obey. Recently, the Saudi royal family decided that fatwas could only be issued by religious leaders approved by them. This decree was in response to a fatwa from some obscure clergyman calling for an end to the practice of supermarkets hiring women to operate cash registers. Naturally, supermarket owners were concerned that their stores and cashiers would become targets for truck bombs, acid attacks, and the usual attacks made upon those who disobeyed fatwas.

Political leaders were concerned. Without supermarkets, food distribution might be imperiled, causing more reasons for truck bombings, acid attacks, and the usual punishments reserved for those who irritated a large number of Moslems. “If anyone can issue a fatwa, there is no control.” was the rationale behind the royal family taking “fatwa-power” away from all and sundry. Now, only approved sources may issue fatwas.

This high-handed usurpation of the rights of other Moslems obviously disenfranchises most of those who’d like to issue fatwas. The Moslems who are not approved by the Saudi’s royal family make an obvious response: ” Saudi royals are no better than any other Moslems! Therefore, any Moslem just as much right to issue a fatwa as they do, and that is my fatwa for the day.”

Since this sort of angry voice is likely to come from the Sunni branch of the Moslem religion, it’s logical conclusions will be supported by other Sunni’s. “We have an even greater right to issue fatwas than the Saudi’s because we take our faith from Ali, who was directly related to Mohammed. Those phony Shiites have no right to issue fatwas because they do not have our closeness to the Prophet. That is our fatwa on the subject.”

The issue is a serious one. While there are Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, or Communists to be attacked and looted, Moslems tend to stay together to destroy and impoverish a common enemy. But, when there’s no immediate enemy to attack, they tend to war with each other, despite any number of fatwas to the contrary.

UPDATE: 10/31/10

The Fatwa condemning/prohibiting women from running cash registers is being upheld! The desire to separate men and women is so important that women cashiers must not, and will not, be allowed. Looks like the Saudi royal family has its hands full. It’s made the Islamist party so strong that it can no longer stop them. Interesting times!
