Fear of Work, Love of Self.

Manual work is largely demeaned by the lazy and self-important. “I don’t do manual labor.”, they say, proud to spend their lives doing as little as possible. Even the lowliest of lordly bureaucrats will “hire specialists” to do the simplest tasks.

Vanity is destroying their souls while keeping them from any good accomplishments throughout their working lives. Governments, each of which is a people’s vanity writ large, swells to accommodate such pride. “You”, sing the siren songs of vanity , “are too important, too vital, and far too important to demean yourself by serving others. You should be served! Give me your eternal future, and I will see that you are.”

The state-run media exists to provide such people with pseudo-intellectual reinforcement for their self-centeredness. “Deep thinkers”, “scholars”, “strategists”, and “analysts” are terms used to describe those who spend their lives pandering to vanity. After hearing those terms, they confuse their own justifications for grasping with “deep thinking”, “scholarship”, “strategizing”, and “analyzing”.

Amazingly, they can describe what they do as “clear thinking”, and believe that they are doing something worthwhile.

It is true that some people are smarter than others. Real intelligence comes from being blessed with the insight to see through, and reject, the “all fraud, all the time” lies with which we are surrounded.

The humble, blessed with a higher degree of honesty about their own position in things compared to the Majesty of God, are invariably closer to truth than those who worship themselves. One of the deep and abiding joys that humility provides is watching those overwhelmed by their own vanity telling lie after lie after lie in the many, many outlets beneath the umbrella of the state-controlled media.

“My God,”, we may find ourselves saying, “that poor fool is intentionally telling one lie after another. He’s heading for sure and certain eternal pain, for a lousy few hundred thousand a year! Thank You, Lord, for not leading me into such temptation and for delivering me from the evil to which such vanity leads.”

Those who tell the lies know, deep in their hearts and minds, that they have sold their souls for the proverbial “mess of pottage”. That’s why their attacks on Christianity, particularly Fundamentalists and Catholics, increase in virulence as they draw nearer the Judgment that they cannot keep from happening.
