Ferris wheels.

Most of the time, people get on the ferris wheel when the car they’re riding stops at the bottom of the circle that the car travels. Most of the time, they get off the ferris wheel at the same point in its cycle.

When we compare the travels of a ferris wheel to the progress of our own soul, we may see the advantages of getting off at the top of the cycle and going to Heaven. Since most of us move in and out of sinful thoughts, words, and deeds, we realize that we do not want to leave the ferris wheel in that state.

Some fairs have double ferris wheels. Each car describes both a circle, and then, magically, is lifted far higher, where we follow a higher arc. Being a Catholic is like being in such a ferris wheel. Once we are lifted to the higher circle, while it matters where we get off, we are still above the ground.
