The first idol is still the most dangerous.

In the Garden of Eden, the devil convinced Eve that she was as good as God. Adam agreed, and they both wilfully disobeyed their two Operating Instructions.

The first idol in the world was themselves. If the idol were given a name, it would be “I’m as good as God. Maybe, better. ” He Who had programmed them out of minerals and energies that He’d previously programmed was not amused. “Even as they say they are My equal, they know that I made them.”

There continues to be a lot of anger over having been thrown out of the Garden. “I have to work. I shouldn’t have to work!” say those who spend their lives supporting political systems that will give them money without much work.

Worshipping the idol of self continues to condemn them, just as it did Adam, Eve, and all idol-worshippers in between.

The coming of Jesus Christ gave many idol-worshippers a chance to break free of self-worship. Not everyone takes advantage of that opportunity.
