First, Satan attacked Jesus. Now, His Church.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles


The Church was brought into being so that successive generations of human programs could make a selection:  Each could choose to believe and obey the God who taught love, truth, humility, and obedience.  Or, each person could freely choose to prefer their opposites.

Human programs who make the right choices and act accordingly have souls that live forever in Heaven.  Others don’t.

We can get an indication of where people are headed by their attitude toward Jesus Christ and His Church.  Those who recognize God and strive to obey His operating instructions may get their souls into Heaven forever.  Those in His Church are identified by their loving, caring, and obedience.

Those who freely choose to mock, malign, and attack His Church are separating themselves from those who will live in joy forever.    They have chosen to follow the personification of hate, lies, and arrogance.  He whom they have chosen to lead them does everything possible to get all souls,including theirs, to suffer forever in eternity.  It is the hallmark of the damned that they cannot let themselves see where they are headed.

Each human program is downloaded with the ability to choose good or evil.


When Christ was on earth, evil spirits motivated people to torture, kill, and destroy Christ.  They could not.  He set up His Church so that the remaining generations who lived while The Program ran would have something they could choose to attempt to destroy.

Since they can no longer get at Him, people who decide to allow their souls to be lost attack His Church.  First, Satan attacked Jesus.  Now, His Church.

Some attackers, are like Herod, Pontius Pilate, and the Jerusalem Establishment.  They attack His Church from the outside the way they once attacked Jesus.

Others imitate Judas, the treasonous apostle.  They attack The Church from the inside.  Examples include leftist prelates at Vatican II, those who refuse to Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the bishops who won’t release the 3rd Secret, and clergy who bring scandals into The Body of Christ.

It’s not smart to attack Jesus or His Church.  Attacking God and His Church is the dumbest thing any person can do.  All risk.  No reward.  Doing so consigns the soul to everlasting pain.  But, The Program is set up so that those who think they’re the smartest are the dumbest.

When we see people attacking The Church, we know what’s going to happen to their souls if they don’t reverse course and repent.  It isn’t pretty.

