When we focus on souls

When we focus on souls we see that everyone is a soul in a body whose trappings and actions indicate where they are in relationship to God. When we hear a soul’s mind choosing to have its mouth talking about “the importance of a macrobiotic diet”, we are hearing a soul trapped in the utter trivia that its mind has heard and believed to be important. Every activity in which a human mind and body engage simply shows where its soul is, whether it’s buried in concerns about various programmed entities or concentrating on He Who programmed them.

More of us worry about food for our bodies than about the nutrition that our soul needs to grow. That sustenance is to be found in the Seven Gifts of The Holy Wireless Connector Who will, if asked, make better connections between our own “mini-programmer” souls and The Unprogrammed Programmer Who programmed them. We may profitably consider those gifts and their the ideal results of our accepting them:

  • The gift of wisdom corresponds to the virtue of charity.
  • The gift of understanding corresponds to the virtue of faith.
  • The gift of counsel (right judgment) corresponds to the virtue of prudence.
  • The gift of fortitude corresponds to the virtue of courage.
  • The gift of knowledge corresponds to the virtue of faith.
  • The gift of piety corresponds to the virtue of justice.
  • The gift of fear of the Lord corresponds to the virtue of hope.

We have been given the opportunity to access these pathways to The Programmer. Just as the food we eat nourishes our bodies, these gifts feed our starving souls. As we look at these great gifts, we realize that the lost souls, those who have become “part of the body of the apostate angel”, reject all of them. In those lives, these wonderful gifts are replaced with the opposite characteristics, and end with the opposite results.
