
The Roman Catholic Church has always been beset by those who want to fragment Her. It began in the time of the Apostles, and has continued, unabated, to the present day. The historical constant that accompanies The Church is that She will be endlessly attacked.

We see that anti-Christians have made great gains in Europe. That is largely the result of a Catholic Church fragmented by schisms, which are caused by those who love themselves more than God and The Church He began. Without allying themselves with the Kingdom of God, Europe will continue sinking into an insane, neighbor-hating bureaucracy. The bureaucracy will be taken over by one man, and despotism will rule.

If that man is a Catholic, like Constantine, Europe will recover. Countless souls will be saved. So, some of our prayers should be that Europe returns to The Church that nurtured it and the God Who loves it.

Only Catholicism could unite the Southern Europeans with their Northern kin. Catholic Fundamentalists believe that a very large majority of Northern Europeans are descended from Shem. So are most of the Southern Europeans, some of whom may also claim Ham and Japheth as ancestors.
