Frauds, including the biggest.

Many believe that Global Warming is the biggest fraud in history. It, like the Global Freezing Fraud that preceded it, certainly is a sizable fraud, but doesn’t hold a candle to the biggest fraud of all, the idea that the universe is dozens of billions of years old.

Buttressed by libraries full of the Darwinian lies of evolution, the idea that the universe is something that just “is” and that all appearing therein is but a compilation of accidents is designed to separate people from God by leading them to believe that, if He exists at all, it is as some sort of distant, uncaring being with little, if any, concern for human beings. This colossal fraud has been surprisingly effective, leading whole continents away from belief.

The notion that Jesus Christ came to save us from such drivel is as hated today as when first propounded, by Him. But, that’s the way it is. That’s the way He wants it, free will for each of us.

Catholic Fundamentalism, as frequent readers know, puts forth the notion of God as The Unprogrammed Programmer. With His ability to program particles and compile them into systems and beings, He has provided an escape hatch from the deal-dealing liars who renounce not only Him, but also the fact that He loves us, and that we are each programmed with a soul that can know the joy of being close to Him for all eternity.

The virus works mightily to keep us from knowing anything that is good and decent. The virus provides temptations and distractions to separate us from He Who programmed all, and did so in less than a week.

As we begin to explore the idea that God can program particles, then compile them into systems and beings, just the way humans program computer games with increasingly realism, we begin to see that we really cannot deny the possibility that God can do so far, far better, and, in fact, has done so.
