Free Will

As we consider, even hypothetically, that all things, seen and unseen, are carefully programmed sub-programs of The Creation Program, we grow in understanding that everything has one purpose: to give generations of us free-will programs opportunities to exercise our free will.

This is utterly at odds with every single thing that every other person we know believes. But, it makes far more sense than the endless, ridiculous theories that the other side propounds in order to keep our souls farther from The Loving Programmer and our own incorporation within The Program.

It is not self-centered to realize in prayer: “All there is, You made for me/So that I may know Thee.” The goal is to live in such faith that others will realize the same thing, that all was made for each of us, and move close enough toward He Who lovingly programmed each of us within The Creation Program that all the souls we know will be close to Him in joy forever.
