Friends in high places

All churches have marketing plans to maintain and increase membership. The Catholic Church’s marketing plan is “All should live as much like Jesus as possible.” So, the holiest of Catholic men and women take solemn Vows of Celibacy and Obedience. That way, they can be like Jesus, who was both celibate and obedient. Some also take a Vow of Poverty, rising above more temptations.

Those who live the most like Jesus are filled with such a great love for God and their neighbors that they are set apart. The love of God in them literally transforms their minds and bodies. Those souls are greatly beloved by God. When they leave earth, they rise and with Him in Heaven.

Catholic painters through the ages have painted how they see the ranks of beings in Heaven. God is above His beloved Saints and Angels.

Catholics are blessed with an awareness of the Saints and Angels. Catholics are so close to Saints and Angels that our churches are named after them. Catholics recognize that Saints and Angels in Heaven are within easy “hailing distance” of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. In those paintings, Mary is the Saint closest to Jesus. John the Baptist is nearby. Catholics conclude “Jesus loves His Mother, His cousin, and the other Saints and Angels because they helped Him do His important work of providing a stairway to Heaven for the souls who would be saved.”

It seems worse than not bright to refuse to ask Saints and Angels who specialize in our particular needs for help: “Please, St. Anthony, ask God to help me find the thing or direction that I need.” Or, “St. Peregrine, please ask God to help someone dear to me who has cancer.”

Protestant Marketing Plans ignore the two thousand year Catholic Cosmology that includes asking Saints and Angels to ask God for assistance. “We get to Heaven by believing in Jesus and The Bible! Faith is all we need. Well, we do need to tithe. If you believe in Jesus and The Bible and tithe, you will get to Heaven!”

The less learned/more desperate of the Pastor Bobisms have “Insult Catholic” parts in their marketing plans: “Catholics worship idols. They worship statues of Saints and Angels.”

Some are able to see a big advantage in being Catholic. “I like the idea of Saints and angels whom Catholics can ask to request God’s assistance. Intelligent people think about God’s power and realize “It’s smarter to have friends in high places.” Some reach a further conclusion: “How bright is it to not want friends in high places?”
