“Frogs”? A mystery! Why do three “Frogs” hop into The Book of Revelation?

Three such “frogs” appear  in Revelation!

Rev. 16: 13:  “Then from the jaws of the dragon and beast and false prophet I saw three foul spirits come;  they looked like frogs . . .”

“Frogs”?  A mystery! Why do three “Frogs” hop into The Book of Revelation?  What were they?  St. John explains.  “and in fact were demon spirits, able to work miracles,  .  .  .”

What “miracles” did they work?  “going out to all the kings in the world to call them together for the war of the Great Day of God the Almighty.”


It takes a miracle of evil to appeal to “all” the “kings of the earth”“kings” are greedy, gluttonous, people.  They are driven by Pride.  They love to fight!  They oppress their own people!  They fight to oppress other peoples.   They battle other “kings”, for power.  It’s what “kings” do!

It takes a “miracle” to get “kings” to put aside their pride and work for any other goal than their own gluttony!

The “miracle” was in getting the vainest people on earth to obey evil’s call.   They obeyed the evil that gave them their power.   The “frogs” left “all the kings in the world” no choice!


Why did the devil choose “frogs”?  They are cold-blooded amphibians.  They are hatched in the water.  They live on the land.  They have the nature of  the “first beast from the sea” and the “second beast from the land” in Rev 13!

And, “frogs” have sticky tongues!   They flick them out and flying insects are stuck to them.  Then, they are chewed up and swallowed.  Sometimes, “frogs” use their front legs like hands to push big bugs into their mouths!

The sticky tongues of the “frogs” are coated with a “soul-grabbing” glue!  They pulled the souls of  “all the kings in the world” into their mouths!  They chewed them up!  They swallowed them!

We can imagine the pain they suffer.  They drown forever in the acidic digestive juices in the stomachs of the “frogs”!

Catholics know!  It does not pay to be an earthly “king” fighting against “God the Almighty”!

Why are there “three” of these “frogs”?  There is one “frog” for each and all the “kings” of the “Three Peoples” descended from Shem, Ham, and Japeth.

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