It’s fun to be a Catholic Fundamentalist.

Sometimes, an idea gets unexpected validity from odd places.  This map, downloaded from  from their January 7, 2008 posting, has a tiny note in the very top, very left-hand corner that reads “The Scythians, born of the Hebrews”.  It’s a Hensel map, from 1730.

What makes this particularly interesting to Catholic Fundamentalists is that the historical theory many of us embrace says that most modern Europeans are descended from various Hebrew Tribes, mostly from the ten northern tribes of Israel who were deported to the North in 720 B.C., from which areas they gradualy moved through Europe, about as quickly as their descendants colonized The Americas.

Further, Catholic Fundamentalists believe that those societies are, in large part, dominated by descendants of Abraham.  The ongoing work done by their unelected leaders in the EU to destroy them, their countries, and their economies, and replace them with those from other tribes, is at the very heart of the Culture of Death.

Hensel, in 1730, seems to validate that the Scythians, progenitors of many European peoples, including the Scots and some Spanish groups, were, themselves, said to be “born of the Hebrews”.   St. Andrew, the Patron Saint of Scotland, brought Christianity to them in the 1st Century, AD, while the Scots were still living in Scythia, above the Black Sea.  There’s more on the history of Scotland in the “Monographs” section of this site.

For more on Catholic Fundamentalism history, a book, “New Road to Rome” can be downloaded free in the “Books” section that shows up in the heading.  The last part of “New Road to Rome” condenses what was thought to be “millions and millions” of “history” into a few thousand.

It’s not for those overly attached to conventional reality.
