Many who love God, truth, and love seem to be crippled by a peculiar sort of innocence. We believe, “If only they understood the truth about things, they would change.”
Sometimes, we meet leftists, and discuss things with them.
We innocents believe that, if we show a global warmer charts that demonstrate conclusively that the world is growing cooler, the global warmer will be happy to learn, grow closer to truth, and focus efforts on more meaningful activities.
Similarly, we innocents believe that if we show a pro-abortionist pictures of a living baby in the womb, struggling to avoid the abortionist’s forceps, that they will want to protect the lives of the unborn.
When an environmentalist worries about the extinction of polar bears, we may think they will be happy to know that polar bear populations have been growing steadily, quadrupling in the last forty years. They are not.
Truth is never a barrier to their beliefs. They have put themselves into vast, interlocking structures of lies that provide salaries without which many cannot easily maintain their standards of living. For others, their lies give them reasons to hate. They love to hate, in varying degrees that can be measured by seeing their positions on all of the issues of the day. That is why The Programmer has programmed a creation that allows issues of the day to exist.
It is a basic fact that lost souls tend toward hatred and the lies that justify it. We have a duty to tell them that their hatred will condemn their souls to an eternity of pain, and we are told “do good to them that hurt you”, and we should pray for them. Our bodies grow older. Our souls, which will spend eternity somewhere, do not.
It may be that one of our duties is to go on making the fundamental mistake we make, arguing innocently for truth, if for no other reason than to keep their own souls from being able to say at Judgment, “No one ever told me what was coming.”
We may, in fact, see that the arguments that we innocents make are a fundamental part of the sentencing phase of the Judgment Process for all the souls with whom we come in contact.