Best to be Catholic, consistent, and saved!

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Contradictions cloud the mind.  Consistency helps us think better.  We may eliminate contradictions that keep us from thinking clearly enough to get to Heaven.   Be Catholic, consistent, and saved!

Consider the classic contradictions clouding minds in Protestantism:  The Bible says:  “Thou shalt not kill.”

Each Protestant knows that he or she began as a tiny baby, no bigger than the . at the end of this sentence.

Protestantism allows the use of birth control chemicals, implants, and devices that kill those tiny babies.   Even Protestant clergy are not prohibited from using such murderous methods to get rid of their own children.

45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations lack the Catholic consistency and clarity of “Anyone who helps another to procure an abortion is automatically excommunicated.”

Why does Protestantism prefer contradictions?

Consider its history.   Vain, greedy men wanted to steal Church property.  Over a million Catholics in England and Ireland were killed to get their land.  Mass murders were justified by self-serving  “theologies” that taught: “We have to stop The Church from providing indulgences to the sincerely repentant.” Then, Protestantism moved to North America.  An entire Continent teemed with countless millions of Indians.  In Protestant areas, they were killed.  Their land was taken from them.  (In nations settled by Catholics, 85% of the people still have Indian DNA.)

Then, Protestants proudly put their churches on that bloody, stolen ground.  Many had crosses!  Many are still in use!  No one notices!  No one apologizes!  The double-mindedness is so profound that they erase historical facts even as they repeat: “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”!   Great disconnects between truth and Protestantism spread through their minds.

Today, Protestantism thinks even less clearly, concluding:  “Our orgasms are more important than the lives of our own children.   So, we use birth control, even if it does kill our kids.  We don’t think about killing children no bigger than each of us once was.”

How do they distract themselves from truth?   Some invent distracting theories about silly “Raptures”.  Many proudly proclaim, “I have a personal relationship with Jesus.”

Nowhere do they let themselves realize the awful truth:  “For five hundred years, our denominations have preferred death and delusion to obeying Jesus’ clear command:  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.”

Best to be Catholic, consistent, and saved!

