Get with The Program!

As you have realized by now, Catholic Fundamentalism looks at God, His Angels and Saints, in fact, the whole Heavenly Kingdom, as a huge, spiritual programming operation. Up in Programming HQ, The Loving Programmer has a vast staff that follow His directions to produce and compile particles into systems and beings.

Since we are “made in His Image”, there are earthly reflections of His vastly greater power and glory. Microsoft, among other companies, was allowed to be brought into existence to provide a crude, human parallel to the vast Heavenly Programming Operation.

When someone has a problem with Windows, one doesn’t call the Chairman of Microsoft. We call a specialist in the appropriate department and location. There’s less clutter than a million people crying out over the Microsoft Intercom, “Mr. Chairman, please help me download my new Windows update.”

Prayers are basically requests for Programming Assistance. They are handled better when addressed to a specialist, like St. Mary, St. Joseph, St. Anthony, St. Rita; Heaven’s Specialists. Some requests should be directed toward His totally spiritual Programming Assistants, who include St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael.

When necessary, Department Specialist can get authorization for a programming change from The Loving Programmer, Himself, or from whatever spiritual power around The Throne of God and His High Altar has been programmed with that authority.

Why is it important to “go through channels”? Remember this: the answering of one prayer often runs counter to the prayers of another. If two people are praying to get the same job, the long term ramifications must be considered by higher-level Programming Assistants. Requests for intercession are never allowed to damage The Loving Programmer’s long-term designs.

One can barely imagine sorting out the billions of prayer requests pouring into Heaven to win lotteries.

The Roman Catholic Church has long recognized the efficacy of asking Angels and Saints to intercede for them. And, The Only Church Jesus Founded is organized in a smaller, human imitation of God and The Heavens Above. It behooves us to pick the right specialist to handle our requests for programming assistance.

Going through channels shows respect for The Programmer’s Organizational Chart. Secondly, it puts us more in tune with the underlying reality of the way things are. So, get with The Program!
